English, asked by AmritaSanpui, 1 month ago

Exercise 1. Change each sentence to indirect form of speech :
1. The lady said to the shopkeeper, "Did you see my brother
here in the bazaar ?"
2. Sarla said, "Will you go there all alone, Kamla ?"
3. Sohan said, "Have you finished your home-work, Tom ?"
4. "Do you think you are wiser than your father ?" said the
angry mother to her son.
5. Teju said to his mother, "Is the dinner ready for all ?"
6. The policeman said to the stranger, "Are you Lakha, the
notorious dacoit ?”
7. The teacher said, "Have you done all the sums, Geeta ?"
8. The doctor said to the patient, “Are you not feeling well
now ?"
9. Rama said to Sita, “Will you accompany me to the
forest ?"
10. The boys said to the teacher, "Have you marked our papers,
sir ? Is the result good on the whole ?"​


Answered by diksha246876


1) the lady told the shopkeeper that does he saw his brother.

2) Sarla said that would he Come all alone with Kamla.

3) Sohan say that had he finished his homework Tom.

4) he say that he thought that he is much wiser than his father.

5) Teju told his mother is the dinner is ready for all.

6) the policeman told the stranger is he Lakkha the notorious dacoit.

7) the teacher told Gita had he done all the sums

8) the doctor told the patient is he is not feeling well then

9) Rama told Sita was he accompany her to the forest

10) the boys told the teacher that had he marked R papers is the result good on the whole.

hope this will help!!

Answered by mt1666011


A box of colors required for the projevt

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