English, asked by dipujia, 8 months ago

? Exercise 1. Rewrite these senter og the simple present tense of the verbs
in the brackets:
1. The earth (be) almost roz Itevolve) round the sun and rotate) on its own axis.
2. My father usually (leave; work around 10 a.m. and (not return) till 8 p.m.
3. If she (get) angry, she nga shout) at anybody. She (withdraw) into her room and listen
to some good music.
4. It (not matter) what my other friends (think) of my poems. (Tell me whether you (like) them!
5. There (be) a famous proverb in English: A rolling stone (gather) no moss. It (mean) that
if a person (keep) changing jobs, he (not make) much progress in life.
6. (you know) Raghav?
Yes, I (know) him well but I (not meet) him often.
7. (you believe) in ghosts?
No. I (not do). My little sister (do) and our entire family (make) fun of her.​


Answered by mugdho5763



2.leaves for Work......,Doesn't return

3.gets,(nga =doesn't),Withdraws

4.doesn't, think, like

5.is, gathers, means, keeps,doesn't make,

6.Do you know, know,don't meet

7.Do you believe, Don't, does,makes

Answered by nitubai34


this the answer bro Mark me brilliant

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