Math, asked by gupta4926, 8 months ago

1. Draw a line segment AB = 68 cm. Take a point outside it using muler and compasses awal
through P parallel to 4B.
2. Draw any ABC. Through 4. draw the line parallel to BC.
3. Draw a line segment of length 6.3 cm. Draw another line parallel to it at a distance 3 cm from it.
Hint. Suppose AB is the line segment drawn by you. Take any point P on AB. Through P. draw a line segment
PL perpendicular to the line AB such that PL = 3 cm. Now, draw the line through L. parallel to AB)
4. Draw any triangle ABC and let D be the mid-point of AB. Using ruler and compasses draw tbe line
through D parallel to BC to meet AC in E. Measure DE, AE and EC Do you find that AE = EC and


Answered by sahbsandhu733


2. DE parallel to BC silmilarly FG llel to BC,

HI parallel to BC , JK paprallel to BC according to Thelz theorem

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