English, asked by fatimalm447, 1 year ago

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the missing words:

beard unshaven fair-skinned sideburns double chin
cleft chin scar high forehead dimples wrinkles

1. Have you seen his ……… ? It’s so untidy and three times bigger than his head.
2. They say when people have a ………………. they are smart and intelligent.
3. I don’t like …………… men. Bristles makes men look older.
4. Her daughter is very cute. She has 2 ………… on her cheeks. She’s charming when she smiles.
5. Overweight people tend to have a …………… .
6. I am not superstitious but I know that people with a ………….. are likely to get married more than once.
7. My son fell off the bike and cut his forehead. The wound healed but there’s a ……………. which reminds him of this incident.
8. Scandanavian people are more …………. than Mediterranean ones. This is due to the northern climate. It’s much colder there compared to the south.
9. My mum uses a seaweed face cream to smooth facial ……………. .
10. …………. are no longer in fashion. They were in trend, say, in the 70s. You could see 2 nicely trimmed strips of hair on both sides of the face.


Answered by deeptisaxena007


forehead,4 dimples5 doublechin9 wrinkles 7 scar

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