English, asked by chandrakarlaxmi456, 3 months ago

Exercise 2. Fill up each blank with a suitable conjunction. Also mention
whether it is co-ordinate or subordinate:
1. I shall write to you.....I reach home.
2. Humayun was kind......he blinded his brother.
3. Pay the fees............your name will be struck off.
4. I was very tired........I went on walking non-stop.
5. Trust in God.......do the right
6. He finished the paper first ......he had begun much later.
7. I must believe it......you are saying so.
8. I met Susan..........I was on my way to school.
9. Work carefully.......you will spoil the game.
10. Neena is beautiful......her sister is ugly.
11. I like him more......you do
12. Complaints cannot be redressed.......they are known.


Answered by nidhinupur09


1. if (subordinate) 2. although (subordinate) 3. or (coordinate) 4. still(subordinate) 5. and (coordinate)6. although( subordinate) 7. if (subordinate) 8. when (subordinate)9. or ( coordinate) 10. but (coordinate) 11. as (subordinate) 12. as (subordinate)

Answered by umbahjiten


as soon as.suitable conjunction

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