Exercise 2:
Identify the monotransitive and ditransitive verbs with their objects in the
sentences below:
1. Aunt told us an interesting story.
2. Laura hired a bike.
3. Harry gifted a book to his sister.
4. She has accomplished her dreams.
5. He finally finished his thesis.
6. Vinita offered a pastry to the little boy.
7. The poet read out his latest poems to his fans.
8. Geeta promised her cousins ice creams.
Ditransitive Verb is one that takes both a direct object and an indirect object. EG: He gave her the letter. ('The letter' is the direct object, what he gave, and 'her' is the indirect object, the person he gave it to. This sentence can also be written 'He gave the letter to her'.)monotransitive verb is a verb that takes two arguments: a subject and a single direct object .
For example, the verbs buy, bite, break, and eat are monotransitive in English
.Most verbs are monotransitive, meaning they only take one object. However, some verbs, known as ditransitive verbs, can take two objects in a sentence, while others, known as tritransitive verbs, can take (or seem to take) three
.Most verbs are monotransitive, meaning they only take one object. However, some verbs, known as ditransitive verbs, can take two objects in a sentence, while others, known as tritransitive verbs, can take (or seem to take) three.
Explanation: The poet read out his latest poems to this fans