English, asked by Trishtha, 1 year ago

Exercise-4 Complete the following sentences by choosing the most suitable Collective Noun
the box:-
collection, horde, mob, choir, committee, wardrobe, heap, troupe
1. The violent
was dispersed only when tear gas was used by the police.
2. A
of warriors attacked the sleeping city and destroyed it.
3. She has a wonderful
of rare stamps.
4. The
sang melodiously and won applause.
5. The famous singer's
has a collection of latest fashions.
6. A
of stones marked the boundary between the two farms.
7. A
of actors staged many plays of Shakespeare in the city.
8. A
of eminent lawyers was formed to look into the legal aspe
of the new law.​


Answered by mat1030


1) dispersed, used

2) attacked, destroyed

3) stamps

4) won

5) collection

6) boundary

7) plays

8) law

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