English, asked by palb38100, 9 months ago

Change the following sentences (Perfect Tenses) into Passive Voice :
1. Our team has won the cup.
2. They have shot a bird.
3. They have called the doctor.
4. The clerk has not typed the letter.
5. They have learnt the poem.
6. He has changed his job.
7. He had taken admission
8. We had already seen the film.
9. She had cut her finger.
10. Had he paid them their salary?


Answered by dheerajrathore1983


the cup has won by our team

a bird has shot by them

the doctor have called by them

the letter has not typed by clerk

the poem have been learnt by them

job has been changed by him

admission had been taken by them

the flim had been seen by us

the finger had been cut by her

had their salary paid by them ?

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