English, asked by sanjayrai8645, 5 months ago

Exercise :6
27 03:21
Page No. 7
wiále a dialogue within 100 words on the
need to ban the use
animals like
tigers and lions as circus attractions:
Hists i wild animals decreasing - ill treatment
to animals in Circuses - Criminal
Gence . laws against such
need to
be humane to animals.write a dialogues within hundred words on the needs to ban the use of animals like tiger and lion as circle attractions Hills by wild animal discretizing ill-treatment to animals is circus criminal softians laws against such needs to be Yaman to animal ​


Answered by Atishubh



In a circus somewhere right now, an endangered tiger is leaping through a ring of fire as circus patrons gasp, and then cheer. Elsewhere, a majestic elephant, the world’s largest land mammal, is carefully balancing on a tiny pedestal and performing for the crowd. Many have visited circuses and enjoyed animal entertainment without much thought behind the animals’ treatment or the laws regulating them. This article seeks to present the lesser-known side of circuses–the threats this form of amusement poses to many animals and humans involved—and how the law addresses circus animals.

Circuses are exhibitions, usually put on by the exhibitors for profit, and viewed by the public for entertainment, which offer amusements and display “[a]n array of clowns, acrobats, daredevils, and animals.” [ 2 ] Not all circuses use animals in their exhibitions, but where circuses do use animals, controversy and concerns abound. [ 3 ] Many threats exist to both the circus-going public and the animals in circuses including: wild animal escapes; mistreatment; the sale of circus animals to “canned hunt” facilities and other unlawful animal trafficking; and more.

Circuses have existed in one form or another since Roman and medieval times. [ 4 ] Since their arrival in the United States, circuses have been governed by federal and state authorities, at the demand of circus-goers and “leisure reformers,” often chiefly concerned with animal issues surrounding the circus. [ 5 ] Despite the enactment of legislation aimed to ensure the welfare of some animals in circuses and elsewhere, federal and state-level legislation often fails to protect circus animals, and sometimes even purposefully excludes them.

This paper provides an in-depth analysis of applicable laws, case precedents and issues concerning animals used in circuses. This paper will first examine the physical mistreatment and oft-neglectful living conditions that circus animals experience. The paper will then highlight the threats that circus animals face when their terms of service are done. The paper then briefly discusses economic threats to circus animals and specific issues regarding the use of primates, elephants and big cats in the circus. Next, the paper addresses risks of using circus animals for circus staff and circus patrons, including animal “activism.” The paper will then discuss federal, U.S. state and international laws governing animals used in circuses.

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