EXERCISE 8A 1. Find the percentage of the give a. 2% of 7 b. 6 f. 1 e. 2% of 5 minutes i. 5% of 500 g 2. Find the total for the following j. 3 a. 14% of it in 70
Girish saw an intersecting documentary on the Chilka Bird Sanctuary ?
which kind of adverb use after SanctuaryWrite all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.bymake three more example similar to the one given in question 1 and solve themWrite all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.Girish saw an intersecting documentary on the Chilka Bird Sanctuary ?
which kind of adverb use after Sanctuary
Step-by-step explanation:
Write all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.Write all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.Write all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.Girish saw an intersecting documentary on the Chilk Bird Sanctuary ?
which kind of adverb use after Sanctuarymak three more example similar to the one given in question 1 and solve themWrit all the formulas from the Mensuration
chapter.make three more example similar to the one given in question 1 and solve themmak three more example byGirishsaw an intersecting documentary on the Chilk Bird Sanctuary ?
which kind of adverb use after Sanctuarygsuehdie ejdh dhhfdjejeiehhdhdjdhdhdhjdhdheeeuehdghdueugjfjgwhuwbiehkenbdusi jw ejjs