Exercise 9
Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to
prepare orange juice:
oranges bought from the market-sorted-rotten ones removed-cleaned
peeled--put in juicer--juice extracted --sugar and preservatives added-poured
in bottles-sealed-ready to be sold
Oranges are brought from the market and allowed them to be sorted and rotten. Then oranges should be peeled. ones the peel is removed, out should be cleaned properly.
Now, put in the oranges to a juicer. After the juice is extracted, sugar and preservatives are to be added to the juice.Later the juice is to be poured in the bottles and are sealed. Finally, the bottles are ready to be sold...
To make orange juice at first oranges are bought from the market, they are then sorted out from good to bad. The rotten ones are removed from and the good ones are kept aside to be used. After that the good oranges are cleaned, peeled and put in the juicer for the juice to be made. After that the juice is extracted and sugar and preservations are added to it so that it lasts for a considerable amount of time. Later? theprepared juice is poured into bottles of different sizes and sealed. Finally, they are ready to be taken to the market and be sold.