A. Change the following sentences into passive voice. Omit the agent.
1. Somebody had put out the light.
2. People serve ice-cream with meal.
3. They are expecting good news.
4. They admire the bravery of the Indian soldiers.
5. The Principal has dissolved the committee.
6. The Election commission announces elections for the state assemblies.
7. People hold honesty as the best policy.
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1)The light had been put out by somebody.
2)Ic-cream is served with meal by people
3)Good news is being expected by them.
4)The bravery of the Indian soldiers is admired by them.
5)The committee has been dissolved by the Principal
6)Elections are announced for the state assemblies by the election commission.
7)Honesty is held as the best policy by people.
plz mark it as brainliest answer plzzz
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hope it is helpful for you

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