English, asked by sabitri15, 1 year ago

Rewrite these sentences by placing the adverbs from the brackets
correct positions
1. I rarely fight with my sister (rarely)
2. The children complain if they have a test after the Sports period. Calways
3. The girl forgot to inform her mother about the call from the bank (completely
4. Last week, there were delays in the departure of Rights due to bad weather
5. I was joking Conly)
6. Salil is attending the function (de )
7. The baby realised that it could get attention by crying (ouch)
8. The team practised the whole year thard
9. Ravi fell off the bicycle (most)
10. Good work will be rewarded (wa)​


Answered by Anonymous


1. rarely fight

2.always complain

3.girl completely forgot

4.frequent delays

5.i was only joking

6.(what is inside the bracket is not clear)

7.(adverb is wrong)

8. practiced thoroughly

9.fell mostly

10.(adverb not clear)

To the questioner _ I hope my answers will help you. Next time kindly make sure that you type the spelling properly and please make the question clear.. I hop you will mark my answer BRAINLY.. please do :):):)

 GOOD DAY....!

Answered by ItzMrVinay


i was not able to send text so image would be helpful

Hope it helps

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