1. Describe how the poverty line is estimated in India?
2. Do you think that present methodology of poverty estimation is appropriate?
3. Describe poverty trends in India since 1973?
4 Discuss the major reasons for poverty in India?
5. Identify the social and economic groups which are most vulnerable to poverty
in India.
6. Give an account of interstate disparities of poverty in India.
7. Describe global poverty trends.
8. Describe current government strategy of poverty alleviation?
9. Answer the following questions briefly
i) What do you understand by human poverty?
(i) Who are the poorest of the poor?
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answer1.In India, the poverty line is estimated by multiplying the prices of physical quantities like food, clothing, footwear, fuel, light, education, etc.
answer 2.No, the present methodology of poverty estimation is not appropriate because it takes into account only the basic needs of food, clothing, fuel etc. ... The amount which is fixed as the poverty line does not include the margin for the constant price fluctuations.
answer 3.There is a substantial decline in poverty ratios in India from about 55 per cent in 1973 to 36 per cent in 1993. The proportion of people below poverty line further came down to about 26 per cent in 2000. If the trend continues, people below poverty line further came down to less than 20 per cent in the next few years.
answer 4.Main Causes of Poverty in India
(i) Heavy pressure of population:
(ii) Unemployment and under employment:
(iii) Capital Deficiency:
(iv) Under-developed economy:
(v) Increase in Price:
answer 5.The social groups which are most vulnerable to poverty are scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households. (b) Similarly, among the economic groups, the most vulnerable groups are the rural agricultural labour households and the urban casual labour households.
answer 6.Interstate disparities of poverty can be noticed in India. It means the proportion of poor people is not the same in every state. Recent estimates show that in 20 states and union territories, the poverty ratio is less than the national average.
(ii) On the other hand, poverty is still a serious problem in states like Orissa, Bihar, Assam, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.
answer 7.According to the World Bank standard, the poverty ratio or percentage of population living below the poverty line in developing countries has come down from 28% in 1990 to 21% in 2001. The World Bank standard of poverty line states that all people living under $1 per day live in poverty.
answer 8.The current anti-poverty strategy of the government is based broadly on two boards, being, promotion of economic growth and targeted anti-poverty programmes. Awareness is being expanded beyond the nation defining the value of education, which has emerged in the increase of literacy level.
answer 9.(1) Human poverty is a concept that goes beyond the limited view of poverty as lack of income. It refers to the denial of political, social and economic opportunities to an individual to maintain a 'reasonable' standard of living
(2) A poor is an individual who does not have the minimum essential necessities of life. Women, female infants and elderly are considered to the poorest of the poor.
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thanks for asking;)
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I think it is right answer of ur Question
be happy always dear
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