History, asked by chanderbiswas870, 5 months ago

A. Answer the following questions orally.
1. How long did the Palaeolithic Age last?
2. What was mesolithic man's chief occupation?
3. How big were the microliths?
4. Mention one kind of natural material with which mesolithic people made colours for painting
5. Name one place in India where primitive rock paintings have been found.
6. Mention two things that were put in mesolithic burials as offerings.
7. Charcoal is present in the soil of some neolithic settlement sites. What does this suggest?
8. Why did neolithic man need to build permanent settlements?
9. Name a place in India where megaliths have been found.
in not more than 20 words.​


Answered by khushidua33


Ans 1=The Paleolithic coincides almost exactly with the Pleistocene epoch of geologic time, which lasted from 2.6 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago.

Ans 2= It marks the age of sophistication and advancement for men as they settled down and started becoming more civilized. The main occupation for the Mesolithic man was art and pottery.

Ans3=A microlith is a small stone tool usually made of flint or chert and typically a centimetre or so in length and half a centimetre wide. They were made by humans from around 35,000 to 3,000 years ago, across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. The microliths were used in spear points and arrowheads.

Ans 4=Mesolithic Rock Paintings

Ans 5=Ajanta caves in Maharashtra and walls of caves in Madhya Pradesh

Ans 6=Rites Or symbols

Ans 7=The above given statement, generally suggests that, at the Neolithic era, the people learns how to do agriculture and domestication of animals. A kind of farming method called "slash and burn" cultivation is used by them. This is the reason for the presence of charcoal in the soil at the settlements site.

Ans 8= sorry i dont know

Ans 9 = Megaliths

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