EXERCISES Q.1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. (28, 8, plasticine, circle, 800, 45, 2.75 m, big muscles, long strides, 4, 30, starting blocks) (1) Weight of the javelin for men is 800 gm. (2) Athletes taking part in races should have good and stamina. (3) In a discuss throw, an athlete has to stand inside a (4) are used in short distance races. (5) The length of the cross bar for high jump is m. (6) The sandpit for the long jump is m long and m wide. (7) The length of a baton is between to cm. (8) The runway for the triple jump should be at least m long (9) Unlike in short distance races, it is not proper to take and long distance races. in medium (10) In a triple jump, it is a foul if your feet touches the part of the take off board
1 = 800, 2= big muscles , 3 = circles ,4 = plasticine , 6 = 2.75 m to 8 m ,7 = 28 to 30 cm ,8 = 45 m ,9 = long strides , 10 = starting blocks
C. Choose appropriate words from the box and fill in the Sort by Size Titles List Windows Explorer is a 1. 2. 3. 4. TKS Unique program that helps us organize files and folders. option is used to display files and folders in the form of icons. option is used to display small icons, followed by the list of files and folders option is used to arrange files and folders in the order of their size.
EXERCISES Q.1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. (28, 8, plasticine, circle, 800, 45, 2.75 m, big muscles, long strides, 4, 30, starting blocks) (1) Weight of the javelin for men is 800 gm. (2) Athletes taking part in races should have good and stamina. (3) In a discuss throw, an athlete has to stand inside a (4) are used in short distance races. (5) The length of the cross bar for high jump is m. (6) The sandpit for the long jump is m long and m wide. (7) The length of a baton is between to cm. (8) The runway for the triple jump should be at least m long (9) Unlike in short distance races, it is not proper to take and long distance races. in medium (10) In a triple jump, it is a foul if your feet touches the part of the take off board sorry bro