Short Answer Questions
1. Why is October 16, 1905 regarded as an important day in the history of Indian NationalMovement?
2. Who composed the Bande Mataram? State the reaction of the masses to the proclamation of the Partition of Bengal
3. Name any two prominent leaders of Anti-Partition agitation of Bengal Name the og composed by Rabindranath Tagore during the Anti-partition agitation?
4. Who were Assertive Nationalists? Why were the so called?
5. Name three prominent Assertive Nationalist leaders what was the aim of these Nationalists as far as the national movement was command ?
6. How did the Assertive Nationalists expand the social base of the national movement ?
7. What were the two methods adopted by the Assertive Nationals in the redom struggle?
8. Mention any one reason for the rise of Assertive Nationale wy dad the educated Indians turn against the British?
Answered by
1.Hint:October 16, 1905 is a historic date in Indian National Movement because from this day, the partition of Bengal came into force on the orders of the erstwhile Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon.It was observed as amourning day throughout Bengal as they felt this partition was done to divide the unity of people of Bengal ...
2.Almost always, partition produces discontent among minorities on both sides of the border. Both partitions of Bengal saw ...
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