exophthalmic goitre
generally agreed, although with some dissatisfaction, that the thyroid gland is responsible, when abnormally active, for the symptoms that characterize exophthalmic goiter. A vast literature has accumulated on this subject, with the majority of writers and investigators favoring the thyrogenic origin of the disease. A few have taken exception to this view; the most notable among these being McCarrison, who for many years has stoutly maintained that the disease is of toxic origin, and that the toxin or toxins originate in the intestinal tract. Plummer,1 who favors the thyrogenic theory, described the disease as one in which the symptoms are due to dysfunction of the thyroid, excess thyroxine as well as an abnormal substance being present. McCarrison,2 however, stated that "in the vast majority of cases the excitation which determines the gland's derangement is toxic, and is one which initiates disturbances of the whole endocrine
exophthalmic goitre
An immune system disorder of the butterfly-shaped gland in the throat (thyroid).
The thyroid overproduces hormones. The condition is more common in women under the age of 40.
excess sweating, fatigue, heat intolerance, or high blood pressure
Heart: fast heart rate, irregular heart rate, or palpitations
Mood: anxiety or nervousness
Eyes: abnormal protrusion of eyes or puffy eyes
Also common: absence of menstruation, diarrhoea, enlarged thyroid, hair loss, hand tremor, insomnia, irritability, muscle weakness, puffy skin changes on the shin, or weight loss
MedicationsAntithyroid agent
MedicationsAntithyroid agentPrevents the thyroid gland from making or releasing thyroid hormone.
MedicationsAntithyroid agentPrevents the thyroid gland from making or releasing thyroid hormone.Beta blocker
MedicationsAntithyroid agentPrevents the thyroid gland from making or releasing thyroid hormone.Beta blockerSlows heart rate and decreases blood pressure. When taken in eye-drop form, it reduces eye pressure.
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