Expalin any five differences between longitudes and lattitudes.
- latitudes are also known as parallels ,whereas longitudes are also known as meridians
- latitudes are denoted by Greek letter phi,whereas longitudes are denoted by la Greek letter lambda.
1 They run from West to East./They run from North to South
2 Lines are parallel to each other./ Lines are not parallel to each other but converge at the poles
3 The lines are not of same length./ Lines are of the same length
4 The equator is the only great circle./ Has many great circles as any opposite pairs of lines make a great circle
5 Lines are called parallels./Lines are called meridians
6 Lines are used for measuring distance./ Lines are used for measuring local time
7 Latitude measures up to 1800 degrees i.e. 90N - 0 - 90S./ Longitude measures up to 360 degrees
8 Lines decrease in length./ All lines are of equal length
9 Lines of latitude increase in value from the equator towards the poles./ Lines of longitude increase in value Eastwards of the Greenwich Meridian.