Expalin how primary sector and tertiary sector are interdependent and also explain how it is favourable for Indian economy?
The sectors (i.e primary, secondary and tertiary sectors) of economy are interdependent. The primary sector is involved in natural products which we get from agriculture, fishing, dairy and forestry. The tertiary sector provides services for the production of goods in the primary and secondary sectors.
Expalin how primary sector and tertiary sector are interdependent and also explain how it is favourable for Indian economy?
i) When we exploit natural resources, it is an activity of the primary sector. eg., agriculture, mining, forestry.
ii) The natural resources are changed into other forms through the process of manufacturing, i.re. manufacturing sector uses natural products as its raw materials.
iii) All services that enable us to pursue primary and secondary activities are listed as tertiary activities. For example, transport, education, medical facilities.
iv) Primary and secondary activities cannot produce a good unless they are aided by the tertiary sector.
v) Service sector does not produce a good. For example, the internet cafe, ATM booth, call centres are the services required for manufacturing industries etc. Railways, roads are needed to assist agricultural production.