English, asked by intelligentgirlsas, 9 months ago

Expand the outline into readable story

Thre is a dispute between the sun and the wind--they decide to contest--see a traveller--choose to try their strength on him--the wind tries first--blows hard--the traveller claps his cloack tighter--then the sun shines bright--the traveller tracks off his cloack--the sun comes out to be the winner

Please can you answer as long as you can
and I'll mark you as brainliest​

kpopgirl63: mark it up as a brainliest plz bud


Answered by kpopgirl63

It was an autumn day. The wind and the sun had a dispute. 

The wind boasted "I am stronger than you." 

The sun mildly said "No. you are not". 

Just then, they saw a traveller wrapped in a blanket was passing by. The wind said, "Whoever separates the blanket from traveller is the stronger. Do you agree?" 

The sun replied, "OK. First you try." 

The wind started blowing. The traveller wrapped his blanket around him. He blew harder. The traveller held his blanket firmer. He blew still harder. The traveller held his blanket still tighter. The harder the wind blew the tighter and firmer did the traveller hold his blanket. The wind failed. 

It was the Sun's turn. The sun smiled gently at the traveller. The traveller loosened his grip on the blanket. The sun smiled warmly. The traveller felt the warmth and soon took off the blanket. 

The sun was declared stronger. 

MORAL : Gentle smile can achieve wha

kpopgirl63: well thank you for this question
intelligentgirlsas: welcom
intelligentgirlsas: u were not finished the moral
kpopgirl63: oh sorry
kpopgirl63: here u are
kpopgirl63: fury of force does not cut the ice but gentleness does
kpopgirl63: plz mark it as a brainliest
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