English, asked by kakadraj101, 1 year ago

Expansion of idea-dishonesty never pays in the long run


Answered by appaji007
Does honesty really pay?  It’s an fascinating question.  And if it does, why are so many people dishonest?
It is hard to be totally honest.  And yet, we must all think about if we let ourselves get used to saying things that are “socially accepted” or convenient rather than true, that we lose sight of the truth in important areas of our lives.
I conjecture if we are also losing a little bit of our integrity, our values and who we really are.
When you describe honesty, it is fairly simple: truthfulness, sincerity or forthrightness. Freedom from deceitfulness or fraud. Basically it is what you believe from your own individual perspective.
This is easy enough to understand when you are stating facts: “the moon is smaller than the earth” is either true or false. Honesty means saying the true thing. It gets more complicated when you are expressing an opinion: chocolate is delicious is not true or false in an absolute sense; it is only true in relation to the taste of the person saying it.
There are situations that might lead us to be dishonest although not necessarily:
We are afraid of being punished for something we did.
We are afraid of hurting another person’s feelings.
We don’t want someone we love to think badly of us.
We are protecting another person
We don’t want someone to do better than us.
We need to need to protect ourselves.
We are protecting another person’s image of ourselves.
We dislike another person.
These reasons are vague, I know, and they may possibly overlap depending on the situation, but my point is to demonstrate that more often than not, dishonesty is provoked by fear or danger.
So, the salesman lies because he fears losing a sale or making a smaller sale. The spouse lies because she is afraid of hurting his partner’s feelings, losing the spouse himself or losing some of the benefits of the relationship.  The employee lies because she is afraid of losing her job or being demoted.
The student lies because he is afraid of failing the class.  The gang member lies because he is afraid of being sent to prison or provoking other gang members from other gangs or his own gang to get vengeance.  The Doctor lies because he is afraid of being sued or even losing his license to practice medicine.
The politician lies because he wants to make sure he is voted. He will make promises he knows he can’t possible keep. (The sad thing is that even so people vote for him. They just want to hear the promise.)
Think of all the times you might not have told the truth, or the whole truth.  Think of all the times you have told “white lies.”
What were you afraid of?
How does it feel to live in fear? How does it feel to give in to it?
This is a tricky subject, only you can decide how best to handle it.  I can say that honest people establish a reputation and good things happen to them.
Answered by ItzBrainly28


Dishonesty never pays in the long run

It is true that dishonesty never pays in the long run. We are all aware of the famous saying that 'Honesty is the best policy '. One should always be honest in life. Dishonest people may succeed in life, but the success will only be short lived. In the long run, they always pay price for their dishonesty. A person, who is not truthful, is bound to make mistakes and as soon as it gets revealed, he stands to lose everybody's trust. Therefore, being honest is a better decision, as it assures a good reputation along with a good name.

Hope you understood mate!!

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