Expansion of Idea-Emty mind is devilis workshop
Expansion of Idea
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop
The popular proverb "An idle mind is the devil’s workshop" teaches us that evil thoughts enter our mind easily when we are lazy and idle. Idleness means you have no particular goal in mind, and, thus, you can be easily distracted. When a man is overcome by idleness, all sorts of evil ideas come to his mind and it becomes the perfect place for the devil to do evil works.
The mind of a man cannot remain empty for long. By nature the mind of a man must be occupied with curiosity, learning new things and expression of fruitful ideas. Idleness in a person becomes the root of evils. When the mind is filled with good ideas, there is no room for evil. Keeping our brain idle becomes the root cause for all evils. Idleness leads to evil thoughts, gossiping, waste of time and then to easy ways of earning like stealing or cheating. When a person is occupied with work, he does not have time to dwell on anything but his own work. Having productive hobbies and doing extracurricular activities help our minds stay away from evil thoughts and desires or criminal activities.
Idleness basically makes anyone feel worthless. Not engaging in any activity tend to let a man’s mind to over think on meaningless things or not even think at all. In either cases, it is harmful to the lazy person and to others around him. Idle people are more vulnerable to excessive eating, depression, and over-indulgence. It can also cause impatience, lethargy and short-temperedness.
Human mind should always be filled with noble thoughts and intellectual ideas that are productive and useful. Only a cultured mind can get rid of evil thoughts and deeds. We must not forget the effects of idleness and never let our minds become devil’s work-shops.
An empty mind is a devil's workshop
It is often seen that whenever a person sits idle, he/she brings up a plot or idea which might or might not ruin someone/something. You can always look out for the person in a room full, who might be silent and purposefully quiet. That person would nonchalantly bring up the idea to escape from the room and probably do something else too.