English, asked by jainithakkar9656, 11 months ago

Expansion of idea for where there's a will there is a way


Answered by meanishasharma

Where there is a will there is a way is a nice old saying which has proved its meaning by hundred percent. If we have a desire to do something, things will come to our way but we need to be dedicated to that. There will be some hindrance in the way but will power gives surety to win the goal. Will is the wish to do anything in life. Dreaming is good but not working properly to fulfill the dream is not good. If you see dreams, work accordingly to complete them. The meaning of this proverb applies to all the work areas of life. If you want that good things of life come to your way, you need to work hard accordingly with complete dedication and patience.

You cannot get good result and success in the first attempt though you can succeed after a number of hard trials. We all are well aware of the simple story of a thirsty crow who worked hard in filling the pitcher through small stones to get the water level up so that he can drink the water and quench his thirst. He was in the search of water for hours however when he got water, it was very low in the pitcher. He tried number of ways to quench his thirst with no success. He thought a trick and started picking and collecting pebbles one by one in the pitcher. Finally, he got success in bringing the water level up and quenching his thirst.

His will power to quench his thirst made him able to defeat all the difficulties and get success. His thirst was very important which made him strong and win. All the trials and success of that crow teaches us that never become hopeless even when you are surrounded by difficulties. Just be patient and continue the hard work, surely you will get success.

Answered by SelieVisa


“Where there's a will there's a way”

“Where there's a will there's a way” is a saying celebrating human will power and determination.

This proverb teaches us that if someone is determined to do something, he will find a way to accomplish it regardless of obstacles. It means that if you have enough determination anything is possible.

Even when circumstances are challenging and difficult, those with the will to overcome will not be disappointed. They will eventually succeed. It shows us the importance of will power and how it can bring about a positive change in our life. Will power is the desire to achieve something. If you have it, then nothing can stop you from doing so.

This proverb is important in encouraging people not to give up but to continue until they have achieve their goals. It makes them more determined and focused to achieve their goal. Furthermore, this proverb proves the importance of hard work and will power.

Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, did the impossible for our independence. He was bent upon freeing India from the British rule, and so he did it. He was very frail physically but his will power and constant effort brought victory. He chose the path of non-violence and still managed to contribute to India’s freedom.

There will be times in life when we feel lost and there seems to be no way out. But as long as we have determination and will power, it is not the end. We will sooner or later find the way to get it done.

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