expansion of idea on when there is a will there is a way
It is a well-proven truth that where there is a will, there is a way. Success and achievement in life are not possible without strong will. All great personalities and personages, who have left indelible prints of their lives on the sands of eternity, are the men and women who had indomitable wills and who believed they could converte their failures into success. The list is endless: Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Socrates, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, and so on.
All the above mentioned names share one common thing; they were not quitters; they were winners. They knew the secret to be successful. They faced myriads of obstacles and hindrances without compromising with their vision and mission. They were ready to face as many failures as were required in order to be successful. Helen Keller, who lost her hearing and seeing power due to sum fatal disease in her early childhood, faced the darkness of failure on almost every step of her life! Did she give up? No! She diligently sowed the seeds of her hopped and aspirations in the dark soil of failures! She always believed she could achieve success. What a miracle women she turned out to be! She is one of the most successful women the world has ever known! Not only she learnt to speak; she earned a degree for herself from Radcliffe College. She became a famous figure of inspiration and perseverance. She bettered and inspired many lives!
So in conclusion we can say that people, who have strong will and face challenges without giving in always tend to be successful and role-models of mankind.
When we read the biographies of great men and women, right from Albert Einstein to Edmund Hillary, we find that it is their strong will which made them overcome great difficulties or setbacks and find a way to march towards success. Similarly, a student may think to secure a first class in an examination is beyond his or her capacity. But if the student makes a firm resolve to achieve his or her goal and works towards it wholeheartedly, he or she is almost certain to achieve success There was a time when lying in the air, travelling in space and sending messages and pictures over the air were all regarded as flights of fancy. But today we see that these seemingly impossible things have become possible. The aeroplane, the spaceship, the radio, the television, the mobile phone and the internet are now realities. How have these impossibilities been achieved ? By man's will-power, determination and dedication. The doer is never a pessimist or a defeatist.he is an optimist contident of ultimate success. Nothing can deter him from his purpose. He has the will to win and achieve, and so he finds out ways and marches to ultimate victory. So let us cultivate a strong will, a keen desire and the determination to achieve our goals. If there is no way we will create one. Victory is then bound to he ours. That's why it is rightly said, 'Where there is a will there is a way'.