expansion of pride goes on horseback but returns on foot in English
Ice cream was firstly made in China
Here, ‘pride’ denotes a person who is blind in haughtiness. ‘Horseback’ means the fame, reputation or prominence the person gained or procured, and returning on foot means that the person, will sooner or later, return vanquished.
Everyone has some sort of ability or faculty they transcend everyone else at. But that does not mean that no one could trounce them. There is this well- known example of defeat for being pompous, ‘Hare and the tortoise’. The hare was so cocksure of his fast hopping skills that he thought he would he would win the race even if he took some rest, and this led to his failure. It couldn’t easily have been a shellacking, but the hare underestimated the tortoise.
Another proverb comparable to this one is ‘Pride Goes Before a Fall’. This too, conveys the same point that it is not right to be proud of what we possess. If we have skills we should quietly use them for our progress and in the service for others. If we are excessively proud of what we own, the very thing we brag about will bring about our downfall. In the final reckoning, nothing in this world belongs to us whatever wealth we accumulate during our lifetime should be used for good purpose.
The tree in the forest is not proud of it’s products. Instead it freely gives it’s produce to the birds, animals, insects and man. It is only man in vain, who loves to boast and show off his worldly possessions to others. Ultimately, however, he has to leave everything behind, while his body is left to burn or decay.
“Your Pride Lifts You High Enough To See,
“Your Pride Lifts You High Enough To See, The Other Side Of The Mountain
“Your Pride Lifts You High Enough To See, The Other Side Of The Mountain Before You Crumble To The Sea.”