English, asked by m8eduniinishar, 1 year ago

Expansion on perseverance is key to success


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                               Perseverance is the key to success

Perseverance is a miracle-working virtue; if you have it, you can accomplish anything. Success in any field is the fruit borne on the tree of perseverance. There is no single example in the entire human race that is an exception. All great personalities and personages, who have left indelible prints of their lives on the sands of eternity, are the men and women who converted their failures into success through perseverance. Perseverance actually is going from one failure to another without losing the enthusiasm to face more failures. All great personages whom we adore as role-models of success such as  Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Socrates, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, and so on achieved greatness through perseverance only.

All the above mentioned names share one common thing; they were not quitters; they were winners. They knew the secret to be successful. They faced myriads of obstacles and hindrances without compromising with their vision and mission. They were ready to face as many failures as were required in order to be successful. I will only quote one or two life examples from the list. Helen Keller, who lost her hearing and seeing power due to sum fatal disease in her early childhood, faced the darkness of failure on almost every step of her life! Did she give up? No! She diligently sowed the seeds of her hopped and aspirations in the dark soil of failures! What a miracle women she turned out to be! She is one of the most successful women the world has ever known! Not only she learnt to speak; she earned a degree for herself from Radcliffe College. She became a famous figure of inspiration and perseverance. She bettered and inspired many lives!

 Abraham Lincoln failed approximately 12 times before he was elected the president of America. The biographies or autobiographies of each successful man or woman reminds us of the obvious fact that failures are inescapable and unavoidable part of the adventure we call success. The one great lesson to be learnt from these amazing personages is the lesson of perseverance, determination and acceptance of failures without losing heart and the sight of our goal. The following lines of a famous poem aptly describe the spirit of perseverance:

‘When the things go wrong, as they sometime will,

When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Answered by virdimanrajsingh9

Perseverance means persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving a goal or success. Perseverance is an attitude of persisting one single idea, discipline, ideal, rules to achieve success, to achieve a goal- in spite of facing n- number of difficulties, obstructions, hurdles, failures etc.

There are numbers of failures and hurdles, you have to pass through before you achieve something worthwhile in life. The only undying quality imbibed in every successful man, is the quality of perseverance. It is this quality which makes even seemingly impossible task possible.

Permanence, Perseverance and Persistence in spite of obstacles, discouragement and impossibilities. These are the things that distinguish the strong from the weak. Perseverance is failing 99 times and achieving success the 100th time. Perseverance is a necessary quality for success. Only if you bang hard enough and loud enough on someone's gate, they will wake up and open the gate.

There is an apt saying that “Fire is the test of Gold and Adversity is the test of Man”. The key to success in any field is perseverance, industriousness and single minded effort to achieve the Goal. Success is like a ladder where you have to climb step by step and do a lot of hard work to reach at the top. The fruit of your success will surely be sweet. You must not run away from perseverance but rather adopt it and use it.

Abraham Lincoln was driven by perseverance to fight for the freedom of the slaves. Many battles were lost, A lot of blood was shed. But finally the rebels with Abraham Lincoln supporting them won. This is a very good example.

Perseverance is not just a show of trying. It also shows the courage of a person. Lots of courage is needed to avoid the temptation of giving up and being free of expectations. So a perseverant person is one you can be sure who will never give up and a courageous individual. You can always count on such a person. Everyone should aim to be such a person.

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