English, asked by rajivtalrejarajiv, 5 months ago

expansion on wise man has long ears and short tongue

minimum 1 page answer​


Answered by akritishettyin


Please mark me as the brainliest


The wise man has long ears and a short tongue!:

Long ears signify willingness to be patient and listen keenly. A short tongue is a metaphor for self-control in allowing someone to make his point before responding to it. There are actually very few amongst us who truly listen. Most of us simply hear! When we hear, our ears only receive the sound but when we listen, we process and understand words. The given topic ‘the wise man has long ears and a short tongue’ is quite an apt statement because a wise man listens to respond and not to react! This works in his favour as he actually absorbs more in this case. He does not end up wasting his energies on speaking, even before he comprehends the spoken word. It is more beneficial for him in the longer run to grasp something better than merely react quickly. Let us bear in mind that getting the point is far more significant than just making a point. Don’t you think it is for this reason that nature has given us two ears and just one mouth?

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