Experience during lockdown
So sad experience I hate 2020. I miss my school
● As we all know in this year 2020 we are facing a very big pandemic called Covid-19. Due to this pandemic our whole world is going through so many problems. Every schools are closed, No one is going to their office as it's lockdown. Due to this so many people are spending their times in homes itself. Like me am also a buisness man but because of this pandemic am unable to continue my work like I always did. Due to this am living in my home itself. That's why am learing so many new thinks. Like which can help me in my future. Like my mom is teaching me how I can prepare my food itself? And much more.
● From the day when I heard that everything is going under lockdown I decided to make these days useful. thats why I started my own business on internet social websites to. Because I use to think that we should use our life's every second rather than wasting it. Now am able to do many things without anyone's help.