Experiment 14 pre laboratory assignment molar mass of a solid answers
(∆Tf = kf x molality).The factors that affect the results of this experiment include not adding more ice to the ice water bath as the ice melts away. This is because the ice water needs to stay as close to its freezing point as it can so that the cyclohexane can get as close to its freezing point as it can. Other factors that may affect the results include not adding the exact amount of unknown solute weighed. If the solute weighed does not match up with the exact amount of solute transferred into the test tube, then the results obtained will be inaccurate.The hypotheses of this experiment are that the solute added should lower the freezing point of the solution. As the equation states (∆T f =k f xmoles of solutekg of solvent). The more grams of solute added will result in the ∆ T f to become larger.Materials and Methods:Please refer to page 189 of Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry by J.A. Beran. One deviation from the original experiment involved the amount of trials preformed. For the sake of time there were only two trials of this experiment preformed instead of three. There were no other deviations to this experiment