Biology, asked by khairaparam9978, 10 months ago

Experiment to show co2 is necessary for photosynthesis


Answered by niral



1. A potted plant is kept in dark for three days so that the leaves become free from starch.

2. A healthy leaf is selected for the experiment.

3. A wide mouth bottle is taken and a little KOH(it absorbs co2) is added to it.

4. Half part of the leaf is kept in the bottle with the help of split cork.

5. The apparatus is kept in bright sunlight for few hours.

6. The leaf is plucked and boil in 70% alcohol .it is stained with iodine solution.


It was observed that the portion of leaf which was out of bottle turn blue showing the presence of starch.the portion on leaf which was enclosed within the bottle will not show the presence of starch.


This shows that co2 is essential for photosynthesis , because the portion inside the bottle didnot get the co2 as it was observed by KOH solution.

thus, co2 is neccessary for photosynthesis.

if you like the answer. please mark me as brainliest answer.

Answered by NightUmbrella

Aim:- To show that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

Material required:- Two Healthy potted plants of same size, two glass plates, two bell jars, Vaseline, watch-glass, potassium hydroxide, alcohol, spirit lamp and beaker.

Procedure:- 1. Keep the two potted plants in dark for 3 days so that the leaves became free from starch.

2. Place the potted plant A on a glass plate and put a watch-glass containing potassium hydroxide(KOH) by the side of the pot and cover it with a bell jar.

3. Place the other potted plant B on second glass plate and cover it with a bell jar.

4. Vaseline is used to seal the bottom of jars to the glass plates so that the set up is air-tight.

5. Both the plants are kept in sunlight for 2 hours.

6. Pluck a leaf from each plant and test the same for the presence of starch.

Observation:- The leaf of a plant B without potassium Hydroxide turns blue-black while the leaf of plant A with potassium Hydroxide remains pale coloured or colourless.

Conclusion:- This shows that leaf of plant B has synthesised starch with the help of photosynthesis and leaf of plant. A has not synthesised starch as it does not contain carbon dioxide as the same as the is absorbed by potassium hydroxide and so photosynthesis did not occur. But plant B showed photosynthesis in presence of carbon dioxide. Therefore, carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

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