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explain 12 aasan name of surya namaskar with techniques and benefit one by one ​


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12 Steps Of Surya Namaskar- Health Benefits GuideMARCH 26, 2019

 By: The Admin 2 Comments

Do you know that 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar burn nearly 156 calories. Surya namaskar or ‘the sun salutation’ dates its origin back to the 20th century. This modern yoga asana is performed in 12 poses or steps, and each asana focuses on benefitting a specific part of the human body.

Surya namaskara can be practiced by people of any age group and the best time to perform this yoga asana is at sunrise. Ekattva Yogshala brings to you an elaborate guide to perform 12 steps of sun pose and reap maximum benefits out of it.

Surya Namaskar is performed by following 12 asanas/poses systematically. Below are the steps of surya namaskar and their health benefits explained in detail:

1. Pranamasana

Pranamasana or ‘Anjali mudra’ is the gesture of reverence  that is considered as a sign of respect and greeting in India. Pranamasana is just like ‘Namaste’. While standing straight, join the palms of both your hands while keeping the fingertips pointing up.

Yoga Step Benefit: Pranamasana, or ‘the centering pose’ is a focus building and meditative yoga pose of surya namaskar. It helps to relieve mental stress and anxiety.

2. Hasta uttanasana

The name originates from sanskrit word meaning ‘upward tree’. Recovering from Pranamasana, stand straight, raise your arms and gaze upwards. Stretch back and lengthen your spine. Make sure your feet remain on the ground and don’t lose balance. Let go and retain standing position slowly.

Yoga Step Benefit: Hasta uttanasana benefits people suffering from asthma. It helps encountering backache, fatigue and mild anxiety. This pose  also improves digestion.

Pro yoga tip – Avoid looking up if you feel dizzy and don’t overstretch your arms if you experience pain during this surya namaskar pose.

3. Uttanasana/Padahastasana

While exhaling, bend forward and touch down your toes with your fingers. It is alright to bend your knees initially, if you aren’t able to keep them straight while bending. Make sure your spine does not bend. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. Press into your heels softly so weight is evenly distributed.

Yoga posture Benefit:Uttanasana helps in recovering from insomnia and osteoporosis. This step of surya namaskar relieves anxiety, stress and headache. It strengthens thighs and knees, stretches hips, hamstrings and calves.

Pro tip: This Surya Namaskar step should be avoided if you are suffering from lower back pain, neck injuries, heart problem or high blood pressure.

4. Ashva Sanchalanasana

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