Explain a method to find diameter of a spherical body
To measure diameter of a smallsphericallcylindrical body using Vernier Callipers.Vernier callipers, a spherical body (pendulum bob) or a cylinder and a magnifying lens. If with the body between the jaws, the zero of vernierscale lies ahead of Nth. division of main scale, then main scale reading
Vernier caliper are used to measure the diameter of the spherical body
It is a scale and has jaws in it . We put the body in between the jaws and scale is set to zero . There are two scales attached together. The main scale and the the vernier scale . Read the vernier scale . To find the radius , first we have to find the radius of the body, and then multiply it with 2. If we don't have the diameter , we can calculate circumference with the pie value