explain about migrating birds who can follow me I will choose him brain list
Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. Many species of bird migrate. Migration carries high costs in predation and mortality, including from hunting by humans, and is driven primarily by availability of food.
Heyate... Good question...
Here is your answer....
The word MIGRATION means going one place to another. Many birds have the inherent quality to move from one place to another to obtain the advantages of the favourable conditions.
In birds, migration means two ways journey- onward journey from home to new place and back journey from the new place to the home. This movement occurs in a particular period of the year and the birds usually follow the same route.
All birds do not migrate but all species are subject to periodical movement of extent. The birds living in Northern part of the hemisphere have greatest migratory power.
Migration may be
- Latitudinal
- Longitudinal
- Altitudinal or vertical
- Partial
- Total
- Vagrant or Irregular
- Seasonal
- Diurnal and
- Nuctural
The factors affecting migration are...
- Instinct and Gonadal change
- Scarcity of food and day length
- Photoperiodism
- Seasonal variation
- Light
- Disadvantages of bird migration are...any youngs are not able to reach the destination because they die during the course of the continuous and tiresome journey.
- Sudden changes in climate like storms and hurricanes, strong current of wind, fog are the causes of the death of a sizable number of migrants.
Hope you are helped by this answer....
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