Explain about Our shared shelf campaign...
this is the answer
Our Shared Shelf was a title dreamed up by YOU, all of the amazing individuals who support and contribute to creating conversations around intersectionality, feminism and equal rights. It was important to me that Our Shared Shelf was not owned by me, but indeed, SHARED! You offered me the perfect title, and I have been astonished, humbled and filled with gratitude by how shared it has felt, with over a million people all over the world now active in the club. To those who’ve written long thoughtful threads, to the incredible authors who’ve answered Our Shared Shelf questions, to the hundreds of people globally who’ve hidden feminist titles alongside me over these last three years, you’ve made my wishes come true; I am truly part of the greatest feminist ninja gang the world has ever seen! Most importantly a massive THANK YOU for being part of my little piece of mischief. To sum up all that I have learned from this community would be an impossible task.