explain about stolons and offsets
Stolon, in biology, a special slender horizontal branch serving to propagate the organism. In botany a stolon—also called a runner—is a slender stem that grows horizontally along the ground, giving rise to roots and aerial (vertical) branches at specialized points called nodes.
In botany and horticulture, an offset is a small, virtually complete daughter plant that has been naturally and asexually produced on the mother plant. They are clones, meaning that they are genetically identical to the mother plant. ... It is a means of plant propagation.
An offset is when a plant produces a plantlet that form still attached to there mother . The thick fiberous like root only has one nodule at the end of it and that produces the plantlet it's roots are underground and the leaves above . The root from the plant I also underground unlike a runner. When you look at a strawberry runner it's like a green chain of New strawberry plants and none of the new roots have ‘anchored themselves to the ground yet.