Explain Adjectives (Kinds) with Examples.
An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by providing descriptive or specific detail. Unlike advebs, adjective do not have to agree in number or gender with the nouns they describe.
Tom bought a used car. (used describes what kind of car Tom bought.)
Sally baked ten pies for the school bake sale. ( ten tells how many pies Sally baked.)
Bob climbed that tree in the backyard. (that specifies which tree Bob climbed.)
★Descriptive Adjectives
A descriptive adjective names a quality of noun or pronoun that it modifies.
Brown dog⠀⠀bigger house⠀⠀Fluffy cat
★Proper Adjectives
A proper adjective is derived from a proper noun.
French class⠀⠀Spanish food⠀⠀European car
★Limiting Adjectives
A limiting adjective restricts the meaning of the word it modifies
that car⠀⠀this room⠀⠀the tree
★Interrogative Adjectives
An interrogative adjective is used to ask a question.
Whose book is this?
★Coordinate Adjectives
A coordinate adjective consists of two or more adjectives sepreted by comma instead of by coordinating conjunction.
a cold, rainy day
★Compound Adjectives
Compound adjectives consist of two or more words that function as a unit. Depending on its position within the sentence, the compound adjective is punctuated with or without a hyphen. When a compound adjective comes before the noun it modifies, use a hyphen to join the adjectives. When a compound adjective follows the noun it modifies, do not use a hyphen to join the adjectives.
She is taking on nineteenth-century literature. (The adjective nineteenth-century precedes the noun literature so a hyphen is used.)
★Determiners as Adjectives
Determiners, such as articles, pronouns, and numbers, can function as adjectives. When a determiner is used as an adjective, it restricts the noun it modifies, like a limiting adjective. Determiners functioning as adjectives tell which one?, How many?, and whose?
Bob's house is only three blocks from that house. (Bob's answers the question: Whose house? Three answer the question: How many blocks? That answers the question: Which house is three blocks from Bob's house?).