Explain 'adsorption isobar' for physical adsorption and chemical adsorption
Adsorption isobar exists in two forms of adsorption i.e. Physical Adsorption and Chemical Adsorption ie Physisorption and Chemisorption.
There are two forms of adsorption in isobars i.e. Physical adsorption and Chemical Adsorption.
In case of Physisorption(Physical Adsorption) all the gas molecules are adsorbed on the solid surface themselves and this process cannot be revered back. This consequently increases with a rise in temperature.
in case of Chemi-sorption, there has to be a chemical bond is required between an adsorb-ate and an absorbent. This process is hence reversible in nature. It can happen when temperature is lowered.
In case of Physisorption(Physical Adsorption) all the gas molecules are adsorbed on the solid surface themselves and this process cannot be revered back.
In case of Chemi-sorption, there has to be a chemical bond is required between an adsorb-ate and an absorbent. This process is hence reversible in nature