Explain all the challenges [ challenge of expansion,challenge of foundation and challenge of depression]. Please answer me fast.
Heath systems are increasingly fragmented. Even the British National Health Service, which historically has a strong orientation to primary care, has become less integrated in the way it delivers care. At the organisational level this is reflected in an ever-increasing number of different ‘providers' being ‘commissioned' to deliver care - some profit-making, some not-for-profit - and each one of them requiring an army of administrative staff (and not a few lawyers) to negotiate the detailed contracts, performance management and financial arrangements that go with them. Hospitals are moving to take over and develop community resources such as services for older people to integrate them ‘vertically', but in doing so loosen the ‘horizontal' ties they have with other services, the most important of these being primary care. Within primary care, a payment-for-performance system called the ‘Quality and Outcomes Framework' rewards doctors according to criteria based on single diseases rather than management of multimorbidity .
challenge is a challenge of expansion,challenge of foundation and challenge of depression].