Biology, asked by srinivasarao1251, 7 months ago

Explain an activity to show the presence of algae.​


Answered by Abhinav78036


The term "algae" refers to a range of organisms that can be so small you need a microscope to see them, or multicellular plants that can grow several feet in length. According to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, the presence of algae on Earth dates back to about 3 billion years ago, in the Precambrian period. Students can test algae growth under a variety of factors in an experiment ideal for middle school.

Background and Hypothesis

Algae can be tiny, unicellular organisms or large, kelp-like plants. They undergo photosynthesis, which is the use of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into glucose, or sugar, which algae use for food. In the experiment, you will test whether or not a supply of carbon dioxide encourages algae growth. Since algae need carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis, you might hypothesize that algae supplied with extra carbon dioxide will grow faster and healthier than algae supplied with only water and sunlight.


For this experiment, you will need purified water, sugar, brewer’s yeast, flexible aquarium airline tubing, modeling clay, three clear plastic bottles, and algae. Most of the supplies you can find at a supermarket or pet supply store. You can acquire algae from a local pond or swamp, or you can purchase algae from a biological supply house if no natural source is available to you.


Pour 1 cup of purified water into each of two plastic bottles and discard the caps. Label one bottle “Control” and the other “CO2,” for carbon dioxide. Add equal amounts of algae to each bottle. Pour purified water into the third bottle, leaving an inch of space at the top; label this bottle “Reactor,” as you will use it as a carbon dioxide reactor. Make a hole in the cap of the third bottle just big enough for your aquarium tubing. Put the tubing into the bottle so the end is in the middle of the air space, and seal it with modeling clay, so no air can escape through the cap. Remove the cap and put 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons of yeast into the bottle. Place the cap back on the bottle, and put the other end of the tubing into your “CO2” bottle, so the end is only part of the way down the bottle and not touching the water or algae.


Put your bottles outside in indirect sunlight. Too much sun will kill the algae, but some sun is necessary for photosynthesis to occur. Observe your bottles daily for one month and make notes about the algae growth. You will periodically need to add more sugar and yeast to your reactor, as the reaction between the two substances creates CO2 for the experimental bottle of algae. The control bottle does not receive this extra carbon dioxide. Analyze your data at the end of the month to determine if your hypothesis was correct.


In addition to testing carbon dioxide supply, you can replicate the experiment but test different variables. For example, you can supply one bottle with fertilizer and another control with no fertilizer. You can place bottles in different amounts of sun to determine how much sunlight is ideal for algae growth. Instead of testing algae, try using duckweed, a small green plant. Duckweed is ideal to test because you can actually count the number of plants that grow under your various conditions.

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