History, asked by Sams2028, 1 year ago

Explain any 5 economical conditions of france that led to revolution of f


Answered by 3381
social cause:                                                                                                           the state have been seperated into 3 estates namely nobility, clergy,third estate people and the third estate people have to pay taxes while clergy and nobility were exempted from taxes.                                                                                      economic cause:the louis found that the treasure is empty as he used the money in maintaining the palace,army and he helped 13 american colonies to get free from their common enemy british so he gave them money more than 2 billion livers...so he wanted to rise the taxes to fill the treasure box .the population rose from 23 million to 28 million and bad harvest which led to scarcity of grains and the price of bread rose the poor cannot afford that much money to buy food which led to subsistence crisis.the philosophers gave them ideas about democracy,divisions in the powers of the govt,freedom of every citizen ...these things led to french revolution
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