Explain any five factors responsible for the formation of soil.
.... Parent Material:- is deposited by streams or is derived .
from in-situ weathering
....Climate:- This is one of the key factors in soil formation because it influences the weathering rate of the parent rock.
....Function of precipitation:- The variability of precipitation affects the composition of the soil. For example, areas with low rainfall and high evaporation rates have led to the accumulation of salts in the soil.
....Function of temperature:- It also plays an important role because temperature variations cause shrinkage and swelling, frost action and general soil weathering.
....Biota (Flora, Fauna and Microorganisms):- Biota, in combination with climate change, modifies the parent material for the production of soil. For example, leguminous plants (such as beans, peas and groundnuts) have nitrogen-fixing bacteria.