Explain any one issue of conflict between the government and the people you have noticed recently.
The government has categorised items in five major slabs - 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%.
At this worldwide conference on the future of sociology, it is appropriate to consider what kind of social order will facilitate world peace, as we face the 21st Century. Having served as lawyer for individuals and the group called the Messianic Communities or Twelve Tribes Communities, I have something to say about the future, where I believe we are headed and why. I say these things in the context of being a member of the Community Church in Island Pond, Vermont, having faced numerous legal battles in the courts, plagued by the attacks of the anti-cult movement 1 whose exaggerations and misrepresentations seem to never die, despite the fact their false claims are found to be without substance and without credible evidence.
I speak here from first-hand knowledge of these events and from the perspective of being part of a new social order that is beginning to emerge in small communities throughout the world, as members adhere to the Word of God in their actions, as well as their beliefs. Given the constraints of time and space, I will give only a few vivid examples to make my point, but there is a wealth of information to document the truth of what I am about to tell you. It is repeated many times over.
What is happening in the society of the world today reflects the truth of the prophecy foretold in Daniel chapter two in the Bible, wherein he described the present world order as a huge statue collapsing and being replaced by a "Stone Kingdom" that would fill the whole earth. What is significant about this for our purposes here is that in the 2500 years since the vision, what was foretold, has occurred. Historically, we are now in the final phase of the dream. In looking toward the future of society, it is critical to consider the laws which govern its people. As the world shrinks due to technological advancement in this information age, citizens of the world will increasingly be ruled by universal laws, or at least universal approaches to law making. Consider the formation of the European Union.