Explain any three components of Tinkercad circuits window
The following tutorial assumes that:
You have created a Tinkercad / Autodesk account. (If you have not yet done so, please create one.)
You are signed in using your account.
You have already completed the four tutorials in the Circuits “Getting Started” Project Gallery:
Start Simulating
Editing Components (we’ll cover Arduino in a future class; this just shows you how to modify components whose properties are editable.)
Wiring Components
Adding Components
The following tutorial assumes that:
You have created a Tinkercad / Autodesk account. (If you have not yet done so, please create one.)
You are signed in using your account.
You have already completed the four tutorials in the Circuits “Getting Started” Project Gallery:
Start Simulating
Editing Components (we’ll cover Arduino in a future class; this just shows you how to modify components whose properties are editable.)
Wiring Components
Adding Components