Explain any three ways of conservatism that emerged after 1815
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Hola Mate...!!!
European governments were driven by the spirit of Conservatism after the defeat of Napoleon in 1815.
1. Conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society-the Church, social hierarchies, property and family-should be preserved.
2. They also realized that modernization could strengthen traditional institutions like the monarchy and a return to the society of the pre-revolutionary days was not required. This could, eventually, contribute towards making state power more effective and strong.
3. The belief that abolition of feudalism and serfdom, replacing it with a modern army, an efficient bureaucracy and a strong economy could strengthen the autocratic monarchies of Europe.
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The three beliefs of the conservatism that emerged after 1815 were:
a. They believed that the traditional institutions of the state and the society must be protected and preserved.
b. They held the belief that the changes brought by the Napoleon and the modernization would definitely strengthen the power of the state and make it much more effective.
c. They also believed that the modem army, efficient bureaucracy, dynamic economy and the abolition of the feudalism and serfdom would surely provide gain to the aristocratic monarchies of Europe.
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