explain arthropoda in detail
This is largest phylum of kingdom animalia. These animals have j ointed appendages, hence the name-Arthropoda. These are onmipresent and solitary or colonial, most of them are ftee-living (Bamacles are sedentary). Few are parasitic and sanguivorous emule mosquito, bed bug). Their body IS bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, eucoelomate, metamerically segmented with tube within tube body plan and organ-system level of organization. Body is covered by toug.h, non-living chitinous exoskeleton. Hence, they need periodic moulting (ecdysis). Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
Digestive system IS complete. Circulatory system is of open type, blood Rows through body cavity (haemocoel). Respiratory organs are gills, trachea, book lungs, book gills. Excretion takes by green glands, Malpighian tubules or coxal glands. Newous system is formed by newe ring and double, ventral, gcmglionated newe cord. Sense organs are well developed in the form of antennae, simple or compound eyes, various receptors. Sexes are separate showing sexual dimorphism, fertilization is generally internal, development is direct or. indirect by metamorphosis. In some arthropods like honey bees, bugs etc. offsprings are produced by parthenogene.sisiusSome insects exhibit polymorphism " e.g. honewy bee, ants, t.erinites etc. Some arthropods areveconomically important suckmpis (honey dees) for their honey and wax.
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