explain Arya Samaj in detail
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Arya Samaj is found by swami dyananda sarswati.It advocated women's education,widdow remarriage and inter-dinning.
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*Arya samaj was founded by swami dayanand saraswathi in 1875
* to reform hindu religion in north india
* considered vedas to be infallible and all source of knowledge
* started shuddhi movement to bring back hindus who are converted to islam and Christianity
* satyarth prakash was founder's important book
* advocated women reforms
* opposed un touch ability and rigidity of hereditary caste system
* famous for education to masses
* started a chain of schools and colleges known famously as D.A.V ( Dayanand Anglo Vedic schools)
* imparted education on western lines teaching modern science without compromising sanskrit and Vedic teachings.
* to reform hindu religion in north india
* considered vedas to be infallible and all source of knowledge
* started shuddhi movement to bring back hindus who are converted to islam and Christianity
* satyarth prakash was founder's important book
* advocated women reforms
* opposed un touch ability and rigidity of hereditary caste system
* famous for education to masses
* started a chain of schools and colleges known famously as D.A.V ( Dayanand Anglo Vedic schools)
* imparted education on western lines teaching modern science without compromising sanskrit and Vedic teachings.
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