English, asked by ashlesha923, 1 month ago

explain"At last starvation and famine made bold".​ from the poem the nt and the cricket


Answered by Thecrazycatladyx


I sincerely hope this helps, and that we are talking about the same poem. I have answered this question with the context in mind, of a cricket who was lazy and ridiculed an ant for working too hard when it was time to be free. When winter came around, he was hungry and famished while the ants where happy and well fed.


Now here is your actual answer:

The cricket refused to ask for help because it was not very flattering to himself. But in the end, he had to give in because of the desparate need of his body for food. Thus, he walked up to the ant and asked for help. Keep in mind that the only reason he did this was for his bodily needs. Otherwise, he would have been too cowardly to ask for help.

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