CBSE BOARD XII, asked by kaur2726, 1 year ago

explain barrow motor ability test​


Answered by aabidhaanand


The purpose of the Barrow Motor Ability Test is to develop an easily administered test of motor ability for college men. A test battery consisting of the medicine ball put, zigzag run, and standing broadjump was recommended for indoor use and a more complete test battery was recommended for outdoor use.


Harold M Barrow developed a test of motor ability for college men as well as for high school boys. The test battery comprised of three items which are explained below: 1. Standing Broad Jump (a) Purpose of the Test: To measure Power mainly but also agility, speed and strength. (b) Facilities and Equipment required: One 5x12 feet mat marked with take offline and parallel lines 2 inches apart as shown in the diagram. Instructions: The subject must crouch before jump. Before the jump is taken the arms are swung. Three trials are given. Scoring: The final score is the distance in inches from the best jump. 2. Zigzag Run (a) Purpose of the Test: To measure agility mainly but also speeds. (b) Facilities and Equipment required: One stop watch & 5 flags or cones as shown in the diagram given below: Instructions: The subject can take start from standing position. After the start running is done in a manner of figure of eight. Like this three circuits are completed. Scoring: The final score is the time in seconds for three laps. Six Pound Medicine Ball Put Purpose of the Test: To measure mainly strength of arm and shoulder girdle but also to measure power of arm and shoulder girdle coordination speed and balance. Facilities and Equipment required: A space in the gymnasium hall with 90x25 feet. A 15 feet restraining line marked. One medicine ball weighing six pounds and one measuring tape. Instructions: The subject must take the position before the restraining line. No overstepping is allowed after restraining line. The medicine ball is put not thrown. Scoring: The final score is the distance of the best put in nearest foot.

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Answered by kajal1712


\huge\underline\textbf\purple {Hello}\\

The Barrow Motor Ability Test was developed by Dr. Harold M. Barrow in 1953 for partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Physical Education in the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation at Indiana University. Dr. Barrow is now head of the Physical Edu- cation Department at Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The purpose of his study was to develop an easily administered test of motor ability of college men. The results may be used for classification, guidance, and measurement of achievement. ☺✌

The purpose of this study was to compare the overall group scores of the retesting of 196 students who failed the Barrow Motor Ability Test given to all basic physical education students at Kansas State University during the fall semester of 1966-67, with their initial scores. A second purpose was to compare the improvement maae among the swimming, weight training, and gymnastics groups. A third purpose of this study was to compare the improvement made within groups on the cri- terion measures of power, agility and strength. ⚡✨

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