explain biodiversity of puliebadze park ??
Pulie Badze Wildlife Sanctuary (923 ha) is an important catchment area of Kohima town. The high hills of the Sanctuary overlook Kohima. Dzukou valley (10,000 ha) and Japfu peak, two important features in the area are located adjacent to the Sanctuary, and have been included in this IBA. The Japfu (Japvo) peak rises to about 3,048 m and is the second highest peak after the Saramati at 3,826 m. The Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan Sanctuary, another important community protected area (also on IBA), is adjacent to this IBA. All these four sites form a single large continuous area of 20,000 ha or more, and are very important for avifauna conservation in southern Nagaland. Being close to the state capital, Pulie Badze is witness to extensive anthropogenic pressure in the form of land grabbing, grazing cattle, firewood collection and hunting. Dzukou valley is covered with bamboo and other grass species. The valley harbours many species of flowering plants including the endemic Dzukou Lily Lilium chitrangadae. The valley receives a tremendous influx of local tourists during the flowering season. Unfortunately, the valley is a source of conflict for ownership between local tribes and the state governments of Manipur/Nagaland. The lower reaches of the hills in these environs still hold good subtropical broadleaf forest and a good population of Blyth’s Tragopan Tragopan blythii. Dark-rumped or Khasi Hills Swift Apus acuticauda is an important discovery (Ahmed et al. 2003). Khonoma and other areas in this valley are likely to hold some populations of this Swift.